Monday, September 24, 2007

Back from Greece

Well, we have been back from Greece since Wednesday and I am still in that hungover state where I'm constantly pondering what is it that I'm doing with my life. I've been back at work for a week already - which has felt awkward, like the first day of school and how it feels sort of uncomfortable seeing everyone.

I have also had to get our house back in order after 3 weeks of our 2 cats ruling the joint. It was a mess! Hair everywhere! Our poor house sitter made it a measley 2 days before she was defeated by her Kryptonite, which showed up in the form of cat dander.

Mostly though I've been just generally moping around wondering why I'm here. I know what you're thinking, nobody likes to come back from vacation and if the experience was great, you always think 'wow, why dont I live here, then I could be on vacation everyday!'. Well, I'm not delusional enough to think that. To me it's more of a lifestyle thing. The Greeks have a healthier work-life balance. I know what you're thinking now too 'work-life? The Greeks don't work?!?'. Well, I'm here to tell you that they do...just less than the rest of us.

While I was away, I had big plans to get back on the blog wagon and post daily with great stories accompanied by beautiful or funny pictures. Well, Greece may be great for lots of things, but internet access isn't one of them. I have much to tell, but now it must all be recounted from memory although this also allows for some creative embellsihments for anything that may have been mundane.

Anyway, I'm back, I'm unhappy and I'm ready to tell the world all about it!

1 comment:

Misplaced said...

I think I speak for all 1000+ visiters when I say that we want to hear the adventures!!!!!! We also want to see the pictures from the topless beaches