I love cities. Big or small, London or Edinburgh, New York or Amsterdam, I love the people, the energy and the life. What I dont like ironically enough are crowds. Like at all! I was in Venice a couple of weeks ago and about went mad being surrounded and shoved by so many tourists. It was awful!
So, what do i do to combat that you ask? Ah, behold yet another hidden treasure of the ipod. Invisibility!
My favorite way to walk around any city, whether sight-seeing, shopping or just wandering aimlessly is to have my head phones in place and my music flowing through my ears. It makes me feel completely powerful. I slip out of the rat-race and into my own world fit with my own personal sountrack to accompany the mayhem going on around me. It's totally exhilarating. I'll walk and walk and the hours and kilometers just pass by as I weave effortlessly through a sea of people, cars and buildings. Focused, centered and free.
I too walk. I can walk in the midst of crowds lost in my own thoughts. And believe me nothing can be as crowded as Delhi!
i really need to get one of those one of these days...
excellent post...
I seem to be able to slip into a world of my own even without headphones. Good post.
Oh, I so wish I could do that! I hate crowds too, but I'm also almost blind, so I need to hear what goes on around me and anytime I have music on my ear I get all jumpy and think I'm about to be run over. :/
Hihi, nice post.
Good post. But wouldn't "invincible be a better word than "powerful"?
Good post! I know the feeling of being trapped in humanity but generally find it rather exciting...there are times, though, that it's nice to go inside.
I can totally connect to this post. I too, set my ipod on the invisibility mode :)...it's an old trick of mine, implacable self possession has the power to transport you to a different plane altogether, init?
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